​VTC is a three years project funded by European Union through Erasmus+ Project, that concentrates on providing Jordanian students with competencies and skills needed by the market.

The project aims at institutionalizing vocational training within the Jordanian universities so that it becomes main component of students’ life at the university.

The EU experience is a major component in the success of the VTC project. The EU countries in this project including Germany, Spain, Portugal, and Slovakia have an excellent experience in the fields of vocational skills training.




The project aims to solve economical, social, labour problems of graduates and incl​udes it into the  education system and technical training, it improves the phenomenon of vocational training and skills in  Jordan universities.   Aims are:   

1. Establishing a training center to train skills for graduate / undergraduate university students.   

2. Building a positive and productive relationship with EU‐Universities in the academic and cultural fields.  

3. Transfer the EU‐Experience in the areas of technical training, skills development and merge new  generations in this experience.   

4. Establishing a national network specializing in vocational training in Jordan.  

5. Develop curricula materials in the areas of training and capacity development by majors.   

6. Provide the student with skills and experiences related to problems that differentially affect people in  Jordan and in developing countries.   

7. Expose trainees to career options related to majors in community development and publication     

The establishing of the training center will steer the education, technical and vocational training in the  right direction. In  this center, a vocational training will be applied for the students to enhance and to  develop their abilities. These will promote the reform and modernisation of higher education in the  partner countries.  Through this center the partner university will have the same vision education and training systems and  this will be enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in the partner countries. So the  partner universities can publish this project to the other universities in Jordan and in other Arab region.  Training of teachers, coaches and mentors continuously through the EU trainers will achieve the  application of means and methods of modern education and training.  So the transfer of the EUExperience in the areas of vocational and technical training will be applyed in partner universities. This  will develop the skills of the students and merge new generations in this experience. The interest and  awareness among graduates will be increased due to of guidance and counselling form the university.    

The low harmonization between the quality of the educational system, vocational and technical training  and skill requirements will be solved through the developed curricula materials in the areas of vocational  training. This solves the problems of vocational and technical training of universities and create and publish  common methodology and legal documentation for the lifelong learning, E‐learning and vocational  training, practical training for Jordan in accordance with European standards.  



"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of VTC Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."